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Thank you Mary, for choosing my entry. I am torn between two words. The first one is scuttlebutt. I saw it in the newspaper this morning and had to look it up. Isn�t it a fab word to roll on the tongue? Scuttlebutt. However, I am sticking to my original choice and your new WOD is below. Remember, we don�t want the true definition  , but your own daffynition of this word: TRIVELLIAN |
25 Mar 2019

maryse pey�
All right all right !
TRIVELLIAN SCUTTLEBUTT (why not ?) is a way to pull up with a magic TRIdent the VEil thrown on the unknow god LIAN who is recognizable due to his SCUba diving in a boTTLE given him by Zeus� BUTTler... |
25 Mar 2019

It�s a tribe of people really hairy everywhere (vello in spanish). So it is a Spanish tribe coming directly from earliest times where they didn�t need except a loin-cloth. This tribe never evolved and live within and adjacent to the woods and caves from all Spain. So be carefull when you come here to visit our caves, you might see one of them!
Look, I�ve seen a trivellian!! |
25 Mar 2019

微不足道的,瑣碎的, 沒有價值的, 容易解決的,不費吹灰之力的… つまらない, 取るに足りなlian |
25 Mar 2019

I agree with Karagozian Sensei although there is another meaning. It is a group of three women that wear triple layered veils at traditional funerals in The Fens. The veils and the women symbolise birth, life and death. Sadly, The Trivellian is becoming an increasingly rare sight at funerals nowadays. |
25 Mar 2019

TRIVELLIAN is a test that you must pass before boarding the SpaceX Dragon capsule to the moon. |
25 Mar 2019

 The trivellian is a rare breed of bees, who are found only in the Three Valley region of New York where the three valleys converge. They produce a medical grade super honey that can cure grongitis and related conditions if the patient stands on one foot in the confluence of the Three Valley Stream at midnight under a full moon on February 29th. |
25 Mar 2019

Do you see well Monique�s captions?? Cause Dale seems to read them well, but in my laptop I see just chinese characters...
EDIT: I got a quick response by Maryse. Thanks. Now I see Dale said "Sensei" , what a slip of mine I didn�t realize first he was reading "Japanese characters" as well... |
26 Mar 2019

 A�sha, you are so funny & cute ;-))) Still, I wonder what Monique has posted �.  Oh well, I used to read them too, but I have forgotten ! - sigh - ;-) Val EDIT . I�ll have a go...TRi = three. Veil. - ian = as in CanadIAN ( nationalities ) A TRIVELLIAN is...someone who has to wear three veils in a newborn country ( TRIVELLIA )
26 Mar 2019

Valodra!!! I think I love you!! Thanks so much for the compliment! |
26 Mar 2019

according to Google translate (which I rarely use, but Deepl doesn�t offer Mandarin): 微不足道的,瑣碎的, 沒有價值的, 容易解決的,不費吹灰之力的… つまらない, 取るに足りなlian: Finely Insane, Intense, Efficient, Easily Solved, Inexpensive, Intense ... Powerful, Inconvenient lian |
27 Mar 2019
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