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Word Of the Day Contest 18th APRIL

Word Of the Day Contest 18th APRIL
Woo! Thanks, Douglas, it�s been a pleasure to have contributed to creating another dimension of the word LOLLYGAG! Once more here, MG! I have chosen for this week a really nice word: hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia EHHEHEHHEH! LOLYGAGS!! I LOVE THIS WORD SO SO MUCH!! So, here you have it. Let�s start with your funniest and fanciest meanings ever! And, like Douglas, I wish you as well a happy Easter, Passover or weekend (for those like me who don�t celebrate it) Aisha ;)
18 Apr 2019

maryse pey�
Hippo hippo hurray to the monstruous mosquito ! QUID ??? A pet for the people who have the phobia of the dalhia ! |
18 Apr 2019

A magic word like abracadabra, hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, is said to transform a prince into a frog. |
18 Apr 2019

It is a well known phobia, actually. It is the fear of a huge (monstrose) hippopotamus on a pedalo. One look at the hippo on the pedalo and your heart goes into cardiac arrest. It is a rare sight, happily, for hippopotomonstrosequipedaliohpbia sufferers. So rare, I couldn�t even find a proper picture of one (so the internet isn�t all it�s cracked up to be), so I will make do with this toy. Hippo on a pedalo . Oh it�s playing silly beggers, I�ll upload it later. |
18 Apr 2019

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is a fundraising project. For as little as $50 a year you can adopt a hippo, for yourself or as a gift. Then you get a printable certificate of adoption. Your donation will help any hippos in need, in particular, orphans with a phobia of having many adoptive parents.
18 Apr 2019

Well, far be it for me to split hairs but I have to take issue with the previous definitions. The real meaning of hippopotomonstrosequipeddaliophobia has nothing to do with hippos or even animals. It isn�t even a phobia. It is, in fact, an onomatopoeia. It is the sound that one makes when falling down the stairs while carrying a trayful of crockery. e.g. "Lord Emsworth lept from his bed, wrenched from a deep sleep by the unmistakable sound of hippopotomonstrosequipeddaliophobia as his butler, Beach, took a tumble down the stairs while on his way to the kitchen with the remains of breakfast." |
18 Apr 2019

It doesn�t look so scary!
18 Apr 2019

@ Aisha, you clearly haven�t got hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia  |
19 Apr 2019

The fear of zombie (monsters) hippos on bicycles. |
23 Apr 2019