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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Caption Contest Week 19, 2019 (continued)
Caption Contest Week 19, 2019 (continued)

Caption Contest Week 19, 2019 (continued)
Hi All, There�ve been some good captions so far. Choosing a winner will be difficult, but I would still love to read more captions. Watchya got.... Douglas
7 May 2019

This snow wall can�t stop me from getting to
the USA. I haven�t got a visa but I can climb
over the wall! |
9 May 2019

maryse pey�
The Snow Fairy, my Godmother, is waiting for me in the depth of the magic well ! |
9 May 2019

I can�t see my way to becoming a cool cat! |
9 May 2019

And the winner is Monique (Karagozian) with her caption: "I have drunk my belly-full this morning and now I can�t get up this slippery wall." I loved all of the captions (and had a good laugh from some), but there can only be one... Have a great weekend, Douglas
10 May 2019

Thank you for choosing my caption. Now it�s up to me to try to find and upload a picture. Finding is easier than uploading. I�ll do that in a day or two. Have all a nice weekend. |
10 May 2019

I know you�re there white kitty and I�ll gonna find you! |
11 May 2019