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Games, activities and teaching ideas > CAPTION COMPETITION
Caption Contest - And�. the
winner is ��. !!!! Oh
!!! How hard to choose among all your
fantastic inputs. And this after a 10 days break. Was in Greece, fabulous time,
sites, and weather. And now here again rain - sun - rain - sun - �.. ! And I have to decide who the winner is. This
is sooooo tough. I love you ALL. A big thank you to all of you making me laugh
again and again. Thank you Maryse for being the first as usual to react. Thank
you Douglas, MoodyMoody, Lynne for your multiple reactions, Spinney always
makes part of the feast. Loved redcamacruiser, as quite different and
unexpected. Same for Val. Love Lentils and Leek, Spanish and English, Foreign
and Second. Forgot to mention the end of the tunnel with Les and Lynne where I
got stuck as I couldn�t catch the message. Still too stupid I am ! So�� as I have to
choose, design, mark, brand a winner or a victim, the next one will be........... . Am tired, and Will Tell You tomorrow. And so ..... here I am again after a night of hesitation and reflection. The flame goes to Spinney for his funny input. Actually changed my mind as VAL is not feeling very well and doesn´t wish to participate. She will be off the site for a while. Let´s just have a thought for her and hope she gets back to us as soon as possible. HUGS dear Val. So Spinney. It is up to you for a bling bling competition. Monique
27 May 2019