Stop struggling dear Lynne. No way, he is too strong for us. This is for sure our dear Dale. He has now been recognized as the super hero of the year. This is a picture where he is clearly carrying a super tanker with millions of barrels of oil. The tanker had an engine failure in the Atlantic Ocean. It was going to run aground when our dear Dale (our hero) accepted to stop and carry the ship, thus avoiding a new major ecological disaster. In the picture he is patiently waiting for heavy material cranes (not birds) to come to try to tow the ship in safe waters. Let�s hope that he can hold on and can be freed soon from his uncomfortable position.
Do you know that every year, on average, more than two dozen large ships sink, or otherwise go missing, taking their crews along with them. So not only an ecological disaster but also a humanitarian disaster to be be avoided.
We will never be thankful enough to this generous man.
Let�s thank DALE again and again.
PS: I finally found how to use these emoti.......
No, he is not splashing around.