What about this one?
This guy gets into a bar and asks the barman:
"Hey, will you please serve me 10 glasses of wine?"
The barman is dumbfounded, but he does serve the customer without saying a word.
The guy drinks all the wine up and asks again for some more:
"Hey, will you please serve mi 9 glasses of wine?"
Well, at this point the barman wants to ask why such a behaviour, but he just doesn�t...
Once more:
"Please, one more go with 8 glasses of wine, will ya?"
The guy is obviously wasted, but he just drinks all the wine up, once more...
And again he asks for 7 glasses of wine, and then 6 and so on...
The barman unable to believe his eyes needs to ask why:
"Hey, fellow, why do you ask one less glass of wine each time you order, and why is that you have started with 10?
The customer is close to the puke and in a complete intoxication state, but he says in an unclear language:
"Cuz my doc...doc... HIP! said HIP! I have to reduce HIP! the dose of alcohol! HIP!"