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Games, activities and teaching ideas > WOD CONTEST 30/01/19
WOD CONTEST 30/01/19
WOD CONTEST 30/01/19
Well, once more here. We really will be running out of words one day, but meanwhile, here it goes my contribution to extend our already wide vocabulary: TAUTOMER I�ll see what you come up with, work out your best! Aisha ;) |
30 Oct 2019
maryse pey�
Oh really easy ! All the parents are tautomerised : that is to say Teenager AUTomatic OMEn Rised against ! |
30 Oct 2019
The World Series is currently playing. There is a chance of a tautomer tonight, or a winning home run (homer) in the ninth inning. |
30 Oct 2019
A tautomer is a stiff wire suspended over the surface of the the sea to catch rubbish. It�s pulled TAUT over the sea (MER in French). You often find tautomers off the coast of popular pleasure beaches, to make them cleaner and more appealing to tourists.
31 Oct 2019
By the way, English has at least 1,000,000 words, and that�s a conservative estimate. I think we can find new words for a while yet! |
31 Oct 2019
@ModdyMoody wowowow! I knew there were loads, but so many...? That is why we will never end up learning enough! However, Moody, I was just messing when I wrote we will run out of words, and sure youngsters will always pull new words out...
2 Nov 2019
TAUTOMER: is a person who never tells a lie.Here are a few snippets to demonstrate. Friend: Does this dress make my bum look big? Tautomer: The size of a house! Friend: Did you enjoy that meal I made for you? It took me ages to prepare. Tautomer: I thought it was a ready meal from Asda.
2 Nov 2019
Lynne - we all have that one friend who is a bit of a tautomer, don�t we?! |
3 Nov 2019
@FrauSue in my case my husband is a great tautomer!! But I also tautomer him back, saying what ugly he looks... hehehe (MESSING- in case...) |
4 Nov 2019
This is a corruption of the 1950s popular boast among academicians. "I taught Homer!" It was used frequently, unfortunately, at the 1951 Convention of the "Institute of Dreary Identical Old-Timers" (IDIOT). (During this period, 1951-1953, I had better things to do ... serving Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.) At the Convention, when someone asked one of these old fuddy-duddy Teachers of English what their professional training included, they often replied, snobbishly, "I taught Homer!" Whether they taught Homer Greek, or taught him English, or even taught him the children�s game of Tiddleywinks, I have no idea! The only Greek word that I ever heard used, was, "Εντάξε" ("Endaxi" = OK). It�s stupid, but it�s true! Les Douglas
4 Nov 2019