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Games, activities and teaching ideas > b and d difference
b and d difference
b and d difference
My students are confusing a b and d when reading words. Does anyone have any advice/activities I can do with them to help? |
10 Feb 2020
The word bed starts with b and ends with d. You can make a representation of a bed by making the thumbs up gesture with both hands and .oving them toward each other until they touch. The left hand thumbs up looks like a b to the student looking at his hands 👍. The right hand thumbs up looks like a d. Unfortunately, I don�t have a thumbs icon facing the opposite direction, but hopefully you can imagine it with the second icon reversed and the hands are touching folded fingers 👍👍 so that the thumbs are each on the outside, forming the head and foot of the bed. The folded fingers form the mattress. bed.
10 Feb 2020
I came here to say the same thing as redcamarocruiser. Here are a couple of visuals to help: |
11 Feb 2020