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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > competition in class?
competition in class?
Giovanni I know many people who share your preference for fun not competition - Want I really want to know is - WHY?
I am genuinely interested in your answer
14 Mar 2009
I taught two different classes before. In my first class, I used a lot of competitions to keep the students motivated. It sort of backfired because the students started to not want to cooperate with one another because they are more interested in winning over another person. It got so bad that when I asked them to do group work, they are not able to work together as a team at all.
In my second class this year, I tried out cooperative learning strategies such as assigning roles to each group member, allowing group discussion during the activities...and I can say that the students enjoy them much more as compared to my first class. One thing is they get to talk and discuss with their fellow classmates and another is the task won �t seem so daunting on the weaker ones as they have their friends to turn to for support and help.
21 Mar 2009
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