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Scattergories Game
Scattergories Game
IT IS HARDER THAN YOU THINK!!! Every answer must start with the last letter of your previous answer. It is fun! Who wants to play? Come on! Try it! NO USING GOOGLE. 1. TV Shows FRIENDS 2. Items you take on a trip SNACKS 3. Types of weather STORM 4. What you wish you could change MY AVATAR NAME 5. Things you get in the mail ENVELOPES WITH BILLS 6. Restaurants STARBUCKS 7. Things to do on a date SEE A MOVIE 8. Things you wear EVENING GOWN 9. What you wish for NOT RUNNING OUT OF TOILET PAPER 10. Animal noises ROAR 11. Countries ROMANIA 12. Insects ANT 13. Wireless Things TELEVISION 14. Junk food NACHOS 15. Travel destination SPAIN
26 Mar 2020
maryse pey�
1. TV Shows CHARLIE�S ANGELS 2. Items you take on a trip A BOTTLE OF COFFEE 3. Types of weather HURRICANE 4. What you wish you could change MY STRAIGHT HAIR 5. Things you get in the mail PINK PAPER SHEETS 6. Restaurants MC DONALDS 7. Things to do on a date WALK HAND IN HAND 8. Things you wear MY PYJAMA 9. What you wish for MARRY MY HUSBAND AGAIN 10. Animal noises PURR 11. Countries JAPAN 12. Insects CICALA 13. Wireless Things RADIO 14. Junk food FRENCH FRIES 15. Travel destination ITALY |
26 Mar 2020
1. TV Shows Coronation Street 2. Items you take on a trip tent 3. Types of weather torrential rain 4. What you wish you could change the weather! 5. Things you get in the mail rent demand 6. Restaurants Dionissimo Court 7. Things to do on a date Try 8. Things you wear Y- fronts 9. What you wish for self confidence 10. Animal noises ee-aw 11. Countries Wales (oh! It�s not really a country!) 12. Insects Spider 13. Wireless Things rodeo 14. Junk food oreos 15. Travel destination SPAIN
Edit: Uh-oh, it IS harder than you think! I went wrong on No. 4, will correct that tomorrow! |
26 Mar 2020
1. TV Shows MERLIN 2. Items you take on a trip NAPKINS (HEHEHE) 3. Types of weather SUNNY 4. What you wish you could change YOUNGSTERS 5. Things you get in the mail SPAM 6. Restaurants MC DONALD�S 7. Things to do on a date SLEEP TOGETHER 8. Things you wear RAINCOAT 9. What you wish for TO GO TO HEAVEN 10. Animal noises NEIGH NEIGH 11. Countries HUNGARY 12. Insects YEAH! (HEHEHEH) THIS IS A GOAL, I HAVE NO CLUE, YOU�VE GOT ME HERE, MARY! 13. Wireless Things WHICH SHOULD BE THE LETTER? LET�S SAY "H" HP LAPTOP 14. Junk food PIZZA 15. Travel destination ARGENTINA
26 Mar 2020
1. TV Shows Game of Thrones
2. Items you take on a trip Suitcase
3. Types of weather Electrical storm 4. What you wish you could change Mondayitis
5. Things you get in the mail Spam
6. Restaurants Millbrook
7. Things to do on a date Kiss 8. Things you wear Sunglasses 9. What you wish for Solutions 10. Animal noises Squawk 11. Countries Kirabati 12. Insects Ichneumon wasp 13. Wireless Things Phone 14. Junk food Eclair 15. Travel destination Romania That was fun, but sorry, I cheated, I had to use Google to find an insect starting with the letter i |
26 Mar 2020
Hello Mary - and all, I tried to send you my answers last night - but I could not copy and paste…! Boo. I got mad and almost broke my PC ;-))) I love this game, but I Always got "S" or "E" as letters to start another word. Thank you for Driving me mad ;-)))) I just remember questions 3 and 4 : 3. sunny 4. Your game ….:-S PS : I do not understand this copy & paste thing !!! It used to work….( ? ) Quarantine : I am working twice as much as usual !!!! Pfffff !!! Have a great weekend, Val PS2 : Does anyone know Why the site keeps putting capital letters in ...the middle of nowhere ???? |
27 Mar 2020
@valodra I don�t conceive why people are working more now, it should never happen... You are not the only one, Val, I have seen many people telling that. Why is that? Are bosses asking more than usual?... Just wondering... Sorry for that Val, take a deep breath, and if you have to tell how you feel, maybe you should... A big long-distance & covid-free hug ;))
27 Mar 2020
Hello Aïsha dear, Do not worry : I am JuST doing what every teacher in France is asked to do …./-S But it is a lot of work for me, as I am not used to school platforms - and have to learn everything !!! I used to Welcome my kids, say hello, and start working...These times are over, and I must admit I am not ..that ...good at teaching kids in a distance :-S I get my salary ; I work for the French government. I think It is OK to work for your kids when you are at home ….;-) It is just that it takes me ages to cope - I think I am a dinosaur…. AND - I think both of us are spoiling Mary�s Wonderful game !! Jesus !! I do apologise, Mary ! Soooo sorry about that, dear Mary! I love to see your game keep on going …! Best wishes to all, What a Wonderful site !!! If I could, I would send you all " what a Wonderful world" music clip….Maybe you can find it on the web ??? Take care, Val |
27 Mar 2020
If I remember well ... 1. X-files 2. Socks 3. Sunny 4. Your game 5. Enormous spiders which should not be in my mail box !! Grrrrr ! 6. Le Bistrot du Plouc 7. Cancel ..! 8. Low boots 9. Sweet dream 10. Meow 11. Wonderland 12.D....Dino- bee ! :-S ( I am terribly sorry about that ! ) 13. E-mail 14. Looooooooong hot-dog 15. Gulliver�s land….. ( and again :-S...) Thank YOU, Mary ! Have a Wonderful weekend, Val |
27 Mar 2020
I�ve done this during our linguistic summer camps. It�s very good fun. 1. TV Shows – I
2. Items you
take on a trip - Socks
3. Types of
weather - Storm
4. What you
wish you could change - My salary
5. Things you
get in the mail – Yesterday’s news
6. Restaurants –
7. Things to do
on a date – Discuss life
8. Things you
wear – Earphones
9. What you
wish for – Salary to be bigger
10. Animal
noises – Roar
11. Countries –
12. Insects –
13. Wireless
Things – Test service
14. Junk food –
English muffin
15. Travel
destination – Norway |
27 Mar 2020
1. TV Shows – Strike Back 2. Items you take on a trip - Kayak 3. Types of weather - Knots 4. What you wish you could change - Stupidity 5. Things you get in the mail – Yuletides 6. Restaurants – Spanish 7. Things to do on a date – Hug 8. Things you wear – Gumboots 9. What you wish for – Serenity 10. Animal noises – Yelp 11. Countries – Peru 12. Insects – Ulysses Butterfly 13. Wireless Things – Yagi antenna 14. Junk food – Apricot Danish 15. Travel destination – Hawaii |
27 Mar 2020
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