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Message board > WOD April 21 2020
WOD April 21 2020
maryse pey�
Hi Les, Please tell us, did you cross the road ? |
23 Apr 2020
Dear Members: Maryse has asked the question: "Hi Les. Please tell us, did you cross the road?" Les. "No, Maryse, I did NOT cross the road!" Maryse. "Les? Why did you NOT cross the road?" Les. "Because the Road was a Highway, and I am NOT a Mountaineer!" Les Douglas
23 Apr 2020
Lynne posed the question: "Les and anyone else for that matter, did you go round the bend?" Lynne, I occasionally become irritated at a student�s stupid behaviour, but I I keep my temper well under control. I don�t shout and wave my arms around in the air. I never go totally "round the bend". However, I did have a friend in an Operatic Society where I sang. Everyone called him "HARPIC" Why Because he was "CLEAN ROUND THE BEND!" Les Douglas | |
25 Apr 2020
better a hard pic than a bent pic !!! |
26 Apr 2020
MONIQUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
26 Apr 2020
Les, you are fantabulous! I absolutely loved the jokes and I learned about The Great Vowel Shift, which I never knew about. Kerfuffle Well,
a fuffle is actually a little known chocolate confectionary delight
whipped up one day by by a fella callled Gary, raiding the pantry in his
domestic kitchen in his abode in Worcestershire UK, to solve a problem
(read about it here ).
Gary, on his website, says it was his idea, but in all truth he had
actually seen it on the Muppet Show one evening. Kermit the frog was
cooking with Miss Piggy in the kitchen and they were having a tug of war
with the ingredients and some mistakenly fell into the pot. But on
testing this delightful concoction, they soon decided they were onto a
winner. They then had to decide on a name. They could call it Kermie�s
Fuffles, shortened to kerfuffles, or Piggy�s Fuffles, shortened to
pigfuffles. And well, you know the answer.
26 Apr 2020
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