in our school we are arranging an on-line camp too. The cllasses will be 3 times a wekk, every class is going to last for 90 minutes.
We have several ideas:
1. We divide the on-line group into two teams and they think of the name. logo and so on. Every day they are going to recive a task - to think of the riddels or to make a project forthe opponent team ( the topics are - English speaking countries, holidays activities, hobbies).., And they will get points for sucessfully done activities.
2. We ( teachers) have to choose an on-line book - for reading and discussion.
3. We also prepare several on-line games on the wordwall.net for the youngers.
4. We also make an on-line ppt hames such as " Who want to be a millionaire?"
5. And we make an interective map with several " stations" with one task for one day - it can be a grammar, lexical task and so on.
At the end the exercises on the map should be done. the prize is - some interesting cartoon and pdf printable diplomas ( we will send them to the participants � emails).