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Games, activities and teaching ideas > The new WOD, or the WOD of the day !!!!
The new WOD, or the WOD of the day !!!!
The new WOD, or the WOD of the day !!!!
Hello to all of you
and a special thank you to Aisha for choosing my delirium which was not quite a
definition. So, this came totally unexpected to me.
Well here comes then
my new word. Hope nobody knows it and that this will engender the most
hilarious definitions. Of course, as usual, I choose a word that is "supposedly"
unknown, except to the natives, the more intelligent and the blatherskites (what�s
that again!).
So here goes Kakorrhaphiophobia for this DAFFYNITION contest. Hope your inputs and imagination will be
numerous, generous and funny. Long life to this site ! |
15 Jun 2020
a strong aversion to bad (kaka) choreography |
15 Jun 2020
maryse pey�
Tss tss Douglas ! You don�t like "les petits rats" ? In French the young dancers (female partlcularly) are called "small rats", let�s say "cute mice". No no no ! Kakorrhaphiophobia has nothing to do with dance. Imagine a "cacatoes" (a species of parrot) - orphan of course - playing a rhapsody with an amphibian and you will have the perfect illustration of a kakorrhaphiophobic scene... And of course they are playing this rhapsody in a "rafiot" (boat in French slang). |
15 Jun 2020
It�s a fear of making horrible discordant sounds in English. So afraid of making this error are we that, so as to avoid making such a clanger, we all chant in unison every morning, at 6:55 a.m: It�s flipflop,not flapflip, slipslop, not slopslip, kitkat not katkit, brickbat, not batbrick We must dinga-donga, linger longer, diktat bric-a-brac, c�est � dire krimskrams (rhymes with Reims) en France.
15 Jun 2020
I am boycotting this week because karagozian has made this word up. It can�t possibly be a real English word! |
15 Jun 2020
@savilla, it will help if you just accept that karagozian is a shenanigator. |
16 Jun 2020
Oh thank you @cunliffe. Now everything is crystal clear to me Here goes. Many people are frightened of rap music. There are many groups in the genre who are terrifying, not to mention the music itself. It�s less common to find people that are scared of cake and cupcakes. kakorrhaphiophobia is the very rare disorder where a person is scared of both cake and rap. |
16 Jun 2020
Kakorrhaphiophobia is the fear of having others hear your bowel movement while using the bathroom. (or less common, the fear of hearing other people�s bowel movements) Embarrassing as it might be to talk about, this is an issue we as teachers, need to be aware off. If you have a student who always asks to go to the bathroom even though they just had a break, s/he might be suffering from kakorraphiophobia. A student with this condition will feel extremely uncomfortable using the school bathroom while other students are near. Disregarding their predicament can cause serious stomach pains or constipation.
16 Jun 2020
Or the fear of others hearing you clear your throat in public. |
16 Jun 2020
We are at the end of the page and I declare after much h�sitating and laughing and now suffering on this damn�s phone that doesn t want to write what I want that Marion is the best.
It is up to you Marion to comme up with a new word.
This is not a labtop !!! A�cha where are you ????? |
18 Jun 2020
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