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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Caption Contest 2020 Week 34
Caption Contest 2020 Week 34
Well, there can only be one. Thank-you for participating everyone. In the end I really think some of you little munchkins "otter" consider your first steps carefully. They could be a doozy, whether it is yoga, working out, or flying, you may fall down and not land in the expected still water. When you hit you may feel you have the big letter L (LOSER!) floating among the bells and stars circling your head. And, as our winner Marion G says, wouldn�t it be nice to have a ctrl-Z option in real life? Congrats Marion!
Have a nice weekend everybody, Douglas
21 Aug 2020
Well, Marion is having trouble uploading a new picture so requested I pick a runner up to continue the contest: The second winner is: Estherlee! Congratulations! (One reason I picked hers was so I could add the follow-on to her post: "Look Mom, the letter "L"...!" mom�s reply: "Yes dear, but it looks a bit more like a �C� to me." Happy Monday, Douglas |
24 Aug 2020
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