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The International Day Of The Russian Day.
The International Day Of The Russian Day.
Hi, Everybody!
Sorry, it can be off topic, but I have a question. How do you think: is it important that each of the languages has its own Day?
And, of course, I have an another question. As we know, today is the Birthday of Alexander Pushkin. And as we know, Alexander Pushkin is the progenitor of The Modern Literary Russian Language. What do YOU know about Alexander Pushkin? |
6 Jun 2021
We learnt about Alexander Pushkin at school. He is one of the greatest Russian poets, novelists and playwrights. He wrote lots of books. Many world-known musical pieces are based on them, like operas "Boris Godunov", "Eugene Onegin", "Ruslan and Ludmila", "The Queen of Spades", etc.
What I love about Alexander Pushkin is the way he shows the depth and beauty of the Russian language. Here is just one example:
6 Jun 2021
How beautiful !
My father in law spoke Russian. I would have loved to learn Russian.
Thanks a lot. |
6 Jun 2021
I wish I had the time to learn it. A perfect blend of East and West. Incidentally, here is a video of myself, my good lady wife, and a work colleague, taking a Russian class at my school. She was a damn fine teacher, that one! |
7 Jun 2021
I started off on Russian, with Duolingo. I had already learnt the alphabet, more or less.... I gave up after five or 6 lessons, found it impossible. Because it is so unlike any language I know, i found it hard to memorise the words. I will have a look at the poetry, thanks for the link Ruta. And Dale - you look so sweet, so cute! I had you down as a proper tough nut. I love the sound of Russian, if I can find a class locally - once we are out of this Covid mess, I am going to give it a proper go. I�m afraid I knew nothing about Alexander Pushkin. (red face)
7 Jun 2021
Spaseeba very much, Lynne! |
9 Jun 2021