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Letter from a teacher in pandemic
Letter from a teacher in pandemic
Hello everyone, yesterday someone shared a link with me, I usually don�t share this kind of things, but I think it is a good letter. I hope you get the time to read it |
15 Jun 2021
Can�t say anything more !! Really frustrating :( |
15 Jun 2021
Oh dearie me. I have every sympathy with the writer of the letter, but they should not be a teacher. No, no. They can�t stand children, for one thing. I�d better leave it there. Oh dear, oh my word!
16 Jun 2021
�Unfortunately, parents� and students like those mentioned in the letter are everywhere!! But in that specific case, the situation seems to be really hard!! My sympathies for the teacher who is going through all that!!
16 Jun 2021
I agree, there are parents and students like that everywhere, but they are by no means the majority. Once we think that the best place for students is at home, not at school, it�s time to find another job. Maybe I have misunderstood that letter, I will read it again tomorrow. |
16 Jun 2021
No misunderstanding at all dear cunliffe ! But there are times when some (or many!) teachers get burned out that they hate everything , including themselves !!! Am I exagerating ?! Maybe ! Yet, the norm is that teachers are Loving, sympathetic & understtanding creatures; not to forget patience as well ... However, they�re also human beings with all their strengths and weaknesses ... The point is that sometimes things fall apart & we - who are always supposed to give & offer support - ourselves need some help & a caring hand ! |
16 Jun 2021
Looks like a false story to me (a kind of falsehoods, fake or viral). Not worth reading and taking to heart. Just my point of view. |
18 Jun 2021
No, Lynne, you understood well the letter, I find behind those words a person with many problems, psychological ones, who is against the world and blames everyone except herself... I will not judge, there�s more always, these are simply words stamped in a letter, but if you read between the lines you can see the ego this person has, and someone against all, there will always be problems, but why does this person judge others and cannot find what she can change instead?? I don�t think she should be a teacher either, but as I said I don�t judge, it�s just a letter, words, I don�t even know who she is, how she is if all this is true... And above all I don�t like judging anyone, that�s never good... Behind the scenes, there�s much more to scratch. |
18 Jun 2021
I would go to the news to check few things.
Vaccination at least in my country is coming slow, so far only people 60+ can get a vaccine in my city. And a strick lockdown is being considered at least in my city as we are at the pick of the second wave. I wouldn�t send my kids back to school yetm if I had them. I don�t know where the writer is from but I see some things happening here.
I know first hand how disrespectful parents can be here, I have ended crying more than once after a conversation with parents and the parent is always right because the school can�t lose students.
Working at more than 1 place is common here, as a new teacher I make about 140 US dollars (550 soles). Thank goodness I don�t have to pay for rent and I live with my family and we all get together to pay the bills, but I don�t really have much left afterwards.
I wouldn�t judge too harshly if I lived in a place where things are going back to normal already.
18 Jun 2021