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Vocabulary doubts
Vocabulary doubts
Dear all, I have to write an essay about students who decide to leave school, and I am wondering which of these expressions are more suitable to express my idea: 1. school dropout? 2. early school leaving? 3. school abandonment? 4. school dispersion? In my opinion only n. 1 and 2 are correct, but I would really appreciate if an English mother tongue speaker could tell me their opinion. Thank you for your help. |
10 Nov 2021
Hello, I think ��leaving school early�� would be the best option. Drop out can have negative connotations at least to the British. One might say abandoning school or abandoning full time education but it would depend on the sense of what you�re trying to say so leaving school early would seem to me the safest and best grammatically. Take care |
10 Nov 2021
Hi Modelena, in Canada and the U.S. we�d say "dropping out of school". None of the other terms would be used. Johanne |
14 Nov 2021