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Caption Contest

Caption Contest
Hello all, Thanks to Jayho for choosing my caption. Unfortunately, I can�t figure out how to upload the next image. Can someone help me please? Thanks, Esther |
17 Nov 2021

Hi Esther I used Edge. I did a right click on the image and chose Save image as to the desktop (It auto selected JPEG). Then, I chose the Insert Image on the far right of the top menu bar here. Hope this helps. Cheers Jayho. |
17 Nov 2021

Hi Jayho, When I click "insert image" it doesn�t offer an option to upload from my files. It just allows me to choose some strange options like 0.jpg. When I click the file folder it says "Disabled". Confusedly yours, Esther |
17 Nov 2021

It seems like we need the help of a super GEEK here. Do not feel to confused dear Esther. I have the same pb. It takes me more time to upload than to upload a pic. It�s depressing. Once a member asked me if I really made my own wss. So, dear, do not feel unhappy. We love you and your work
18 Nov 2021

Hi Esther, I used to go through that process. In the meantime, copy and paste works. This is quite a small image (200x300) Try size 500x500. Lynne x
18 Nov 2021

Hi, Esther! Hi, friends! I made a quick video explaining how exactly I managed to insert the image of a rose in my post. Sorry for not being smart enough to make a good quality video yet. It�s just a screen recording but possibly it may help someone...
18 Nov 2021

Hi Esther Kohai�s excellent video shows exactly how I did it. Except, she had to wait a bit for the �upload files� icon to appear whereas it was there immediately for me. BTW Kohai, I now know how to resize the image thanks to your video - wonderful! I used to copy and paste like Lynne, but for some reason that mostly doesn�t work for me now. And this time Edge worked for me when inserting my image (whereas IE, FireFox and Chrome wouldn�t allow it, maybe �cos I have a brand spanking new laptop with lots of new settings that I am still to yet go through and tailor to my requirements). Looking forward to your pic. Cheers Jayho
18 Nov 2021

Oh ! How I knew that our wonderful super geek would come and save us. Thank you Ruta for your fabulous intervention. Have to check now on my PC if I understand your geeky language.
Cannot imagine ESL without you !!
Thanks |
19 Nov 2021