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Thank you
Please tell me if we could use "Not at all" to reply to "Thank you".Thanks in advance. |
18 Nov 2021
Yes, you can. �Not at all� is a very suitable response to �thank you.� Other responses: No problem! Don�t mention it! My pleasure. Pleased to help. Any time. Etc.... |
18 Nov 2021
Well, native speakers are always right! :) However, I�ve never heard "not at all" as a response to "thank you". "You�re welcome" seems the most common with other ones such as cunliffe said. |
20 Nov 2021
@Adam, not at all, we can be wrong! But I am right on this occasion and I�ll add that You�re welcome is very much American, although I have started using it myself. Only because I spend my afternoons watching Judge Judy and that fellow Byrd always says: You�re welcome, Judge.
EDit: having googled it, there is not mention of �You�re welcome� being an American usage. I guess on here, we give opinions based on our experience. |
21 Nov 2021