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Ask for help > What do you call this garment please?
What do you call this garment please?
What do you call this garment please?
Hi! I�d like to ask about this garment worn by pupils at school in my country Tunisia. Some colleagues insist that it is called a uniform while I opt for a school smock since a uniform is a set of clothes and this is just one piece of clothing. 9 Dec 2022
How about a tunic - a jacket worn as part of a uniform? Generally I think of a smock as a garment worn by women, but one can also be worn over clothes when working.
9 Dec 2022
I think apron also works. In Italy we call these �grembiule� (a working coat, basically) which would translate to apron/smock. |
10 Dec 2022
It definitely isn�t an apron, which covers just the front of the body. I agree with Spinney that both tunic and smock work, based on the styling of it.. It could also be called simply a top. Bruce |
10 Dec 2022
I still believe the term tunic is best because by definition it is a jacket or top considered part of a uniform. However, if you want to call it a smock, that�s fine. Calling it an apron in American English is totally out of the question. An apron is a completely different item in American English.
Edit : After googling tunic I saw images of uniform jackets such as ones worn by the Canadian Mounted Police and uniform jackets from WWII and WWI. It also showed what I would consider to be smocks, a little different from your image, for dentists, nurses, housekeepers, and chefs. I was unsuccessful when trying to upload images of what I consider to be a tunic. Here are a couple of links instead.
10 Dec 2022
Do tunics have a front opening with buttons? I didn�t think so. It�s just a jacket. Casual jacket. |
11 Dec 2022
I�d say �smock�. To me, a tunic is open at the sides.
12 Dec 2022