Hello friends:
Speak (produce language sounds):
1. "Speak up!"
2. "Don �t speak during the presentation."
Speak to (make an oral presentation, not requiring a response from the listener):
1. "May I speak to you about a private matter?"
2. "The politician spoke to the crowd."
Speak with (have a serious one-on-one or intimate discussion):
1. "I will speak with you about that later. Now is not the appropriate time."
2. "The principal spoke with the students about gang violence."
Talk (produce discernible words orally):
1. He talks a lot.
2. Don�t talk loudly. Keep your voice down.
Talk to (have a back-and-forth conversation):
1. "I don �t want to talk to you."
2. "Please talk to the teacher. Explain the problem you´re having with the assignment."
Hope this helps.
Your American friend