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Games, activities and teaching ideas > What is the correct term?
What is the correct term?
What is the correct term?
Good morning everyone! Does anybody know how we can translate "tel�fono descompuesto" to English? For those who don´t speak Spanish, I�ve seen "wordpass" and "Chinese whispers" ... Kids stand in line and the last one whispers a phrase to the kid in front of him/her and so on until the one who stands first says what he/she understood (which is usually totally different from the original sentence). Can you give me the correct name for that game? Thanks a lot!
16 Jun 2023
We always used to call it �Playing Telephone� or �The Telephone Game�. ☎️
16 Jun 2023
We used to call it "Chinese Whispers" at our summer camps. However, the idiom of the same name has a bit of a racist origin and we consequently changed it to the "whisper" game to be on the safe side. |
17 Jun 2023
Here are some other translations. |
19 Jun 2023
We used to call it "Pass it On":
EDIT: Sorry, didn�t realize the site was a religious site--I�m not trying to push any beliefs here-- but it does describe the game quite well.
23 Jun 2023
The game you are referring to, where a message is passed from person to person and often becomes distorted along the way, is commonly known as "Telephone" or "Broken Telephone" in English. In some regions, also called "Chinese Whispers," as you mentioned. And while youre thinking, you can kill time on new Canadian online casinos, if you go by this list you can rip off a big score. The objective of the game is to highlight how easily miscommunication can happen, leading to humorous or unexpected results as the message gets passed down the line.
16 Jul 2023