We all have fond memories of giving apples to our teachers or later receiving them as professionals. However, that is all about to change. The Widespread Teacher’s Association has declared that the official fruit to be given and received by school teachers is now the papaya. Many are confused by this move and some are downright upset.
“Apples are an important tradition in our school” one elementary student in Kentucky stated. “How am I supposed to fit a papaya in my backpack?”
“I personally don’t like papayas.” said a teacher in Missouri. “They’re a bit messy and you have to cut them. What a headache.”
With Teacher’s Day coming up soon, prices of papayas are expected to rise steadily. Hence some are questioning the wisdom of the change of fruit. Although papayas are cheaper per pound, they become more expensive for parents to buy since they’re much bigger than apples.
“I think this is incredibly unfair to parents.” complained one Minnesota mother. “Papayas are too big and expensive. Who’s idea was this, anyway?”
Well, if you prefer to receive apples rather than papayas as a teacher, you’re in luck! The tradition stays and Happy April Fool’s Day! :)