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Grammar and Linguistics > Past simple or simple past?
Past simple or simple past?
Past simple or simple past?
Hello everybody, is it correct to say both �Past Simple � and �Simple past �? I �ve seen them both soooooo many times that I was sure both were correct but this morning a mate teacher told me and insisted that the proper expression to say was PAST SIMPLE �and not SIMPLE PAST. Can any of you help? I �ve looked it up in Swan �s Practical English Usage�and it mentions both forms as correct.� Thank you for your help! |
18 Mar 2009
Both forms are correct... it �s like saying Past Progressive or Past Continuous... both terms are correct, it �s just a different way of expressing it.
18 Mar 2009
both are correct. I often say Simple Past in one sentence and Past Simple in another, and my students understand both perfectly. :D
5 Apr 2009