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what do you think about HALLOWEEN ?
Nabila Manzur
what do you think about HALLOWEEN ?
what`s your opinion about teaching sts about this and giving a halloween party?
i heard different opinions about it, i �d like to read yours.
naby |
8 Oct 2008
Hi naby!
I am a private teacher and have included Halloween from a cultural point of view: we do not celebrate but "recreate" Halloween.
We work on what the festival is during the last week of October. On that day we usually have some interactive play and a series of typical activities and games (individuals and group competition always using English).
It is great fun and they enjoy learning.
8 Oct 2008
Hi Nabi,
It is becoming increasingly popular to celebrate this holiday with children in all sorts of english speaking countries. I know in my home country the kids all want to go trick or treating - neighbourhoods might organise this for the kids. I know it is a USA holiday but it is very popular and fun. I mean seriously who doesn�t love dressing up, peeling some grapes pretending they are eyeballs and telling scary stories!!! It is all in the name of fun. |
8 Oct 2008
Language is a part of culture. For someone to speak English well, they also need to understand the cultural aspects of Australia or England or the US, etc. We usually see this understanding in how the students approach linguistic problems. For example, interrupting in a student�s L1 may be considered too forceful in English. Or how a student supports an argument may be different in his L1. A better understanding of culture helps him work around these difficulties and differences.
But native English speakers often refer to holidays, TV shows, movies, and more in everyday speech. An understanding of these cultural points make the foreign speaker of English more fluent.
In other words, teaching and celebrating Halloween is fun and effective language teaching for all age levels.
Chris |
8 Oct 2008
Nabila Manzur
i totally agree with you. thanks for writing!
some teachers that i know are against halloween and they support their idea
saying that in some parts of the world while we are �celebrating�it,
a lot of souls are given as a sacrifice, a kind of ritual.
to tell you the truth i don`t know, unfortunately evil exists.
i have been telling my sts the celtic story and we have been enjoying great parties,
as vickii says who doesn�t love dressing up?
thanks for your opinion
naby |
8 Oct 2008