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A test where the following Q was asked:
A test where the following Q was asked:
You �re driving a car in a stormy night, you �re going past the station where three people are waiting for a bus: a dying old lady, a doctor that once saved your life and a person of your dreams with whom you �d like to spend the rest of your life. You can take only one passenger. Who do you choose and why??
25 Mar 2009
Mariethe House
I �d take the person of my dreams! The old dying lady can stay with the doctor: he will look after her !!
Have a good day Ivona and thanks for making me think first thing in the morning!
25 Mar 2009
I �ll stay with the love of my life in the station and ask the doctor to drive the dying lady to the nearest hospital and cure her . Not because its an � �old � � lady means she doesnt deserve assitance and a quality life.
And if I cannot get off the car. I �d choose the lady dying because she needs medical assitance , I dont think the doctor will be able to do much in the bus station in the middle of the storm. Besides, he is fond of saving people �s lives so it �d be also what he wants. And the man of my life knows me well and he would know for sure this is what I �d do, actually I can almost imagine his beautiful eyes brighten of admiration as he always does with every single thing I do.
Miss Melissa. |
25 Mar 2009
I would offer my driving seat to the doctor who could take the dying old lady to the hospital and walk down with the person of my dreams!!!! Save ALL
25 Mar 2009
Awwww, so that �s why the others were good at it! And i thought something was wrong with me ... i took the old lady, lol!
25 Mar 2009