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Male and Female - is there a difference?
So Alien Boy has cheated and taken the academic approach - okay, so did I many years ago. Whilst there are indeed many social, cultural and environmental factors, research has shown that usually in nearly every case, men try to dominate the conversation and the conclusion is that men try to impress the women. The object of their interaction is �Have I impressed? � Whilst the object of ladies in conversation is �Have I facilitated this conversation? �
Which is why females tend to ask more questions than males.
One more connundrum. When talking to each other we usually listen to what the other person says and whilst listening we acknowledge continuity in the conversation by making little grunts such as "Uh Huh" (meaning yes)and nod our heads.
Now the question is what precisely does this mean. Does it mean:
a. Carry on I am listening to you. or
b. Carry on, I agree with you.
Do males or females have different opinions on this? |
26 Mar 2009
alien boy
I �ll stay out of this discussion from here on... but I will read it with interest!
26 Mar 2009
I �m listening - but I �m waiting patiently for you:
a. to finish ( so I can give my opinion) or
b. for you to get to the "punchline" /point of what you are trying to say. |
26 Mar 2009
I �d say girls. They tend to be more talkative (men often complain that women talk too much!). They say we love the sound of our voice (we do ! we do!). Probably it depends also on the nationality, some people tend to be more chatty and loud (us, the Italians, are the chattiest and the loudest I think, along with the Spanish - this is why we like each other so much!!). This is based on my opinion, it has no scientific background whatsoever! Ciaooo |
26 Mar 2009
Of course in terms of sociolinguistics , social context is the utmost important. I predict that girls are more likely to be talkative. But there can be everything out of our expectation as the individual �s characteristics or their mood must be taken into consideration. |
26 Mar 2009
� � � A husband looking through the paper came upon a study that said women use more words than men. Excited to prove to his wife that he had been right all along when he accused her of talking too much, he showed her the study results. It read "Men use about 15,000 words per day, but women use 30,000". The wife thought for a while, then finally she said to her husband "It �s because we have to repeat everything we say." The husband said "What?" � �
According to Louann Brizendine A woman uses about 20,000 words per day while a man uses about 7,000".
26 Mar 2009
The final answer to this topic is that pretty much universally it is men who speak alot more than women and the usually men nod and say hu huh in agreement, whilst women do the same to carry on the conversation, not necessarily agreeing with the interlocutor.
Which is maybe why men sometimes think women do not have their own opinion because they are always agreeing during the conversation.
Anyone interested in this topic search out any material on sociolinguistics particularly sexism in language. For advanced students this makes a very interesting project to monitor small groups talking and observe the interaction.
Thanks everyone who contributed - maybe there is another topic out there we can get out teeth into |
26 Mar 2009
Logos , as I was a linguistic student and I �m doing my master now.. I �m closer to this topic.. :) |
26 Mar 2009
alien boy
Interestingly, all the linguistics stuff I studied on this topic last year is in agreement with Logos!
It is a popular myth that women speak more than men - it �s more that they speak differently to men.
Cheers, AB
26 Mar 2009
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