I have spent a week trying to send in printables and can īt send any!!!
Is there anyone who can tell us why our printables are unable to be sent!!! It is very frustrating making them and then not being able to upload them to get more points.
HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!
26 Mar 2009
Hi, they might be to big or not doc files. |
26 Mar 2009
I just uploaded one. It has a small picture and a colored text box. It seems to have uploaded fine.
26 Mar 2009
I uploaded one this morning. No problem and it contained clip art. |
26 Mar 2009
It might be because you are using word 2007. In that case open your document, save as then choose save as type (word 1997-2003 document). I hope this helps. |
26 Mar 2009
Thanks for your replies but none of the answers seem appropriate as it not not too big. It is not Word 2oo7 and I have uploaded with this word program before and it is a doc file. I changed it to a word doc from a publisher file, as was suggested by the site. Any more suggestions please!
26 Mar 2009
I think Sara īs right...If you have 2007 office it saves your docs. in DOCx format �What makes it imposible to upload. Cya ;) |
26 Mar 2009
Hi Hazza! It seems we īre unable to find your problem. You have 2 possibilities left:
1) send a message to victor and ask for help;
2) send the file to a person you trust in the site and she/he īll check it for you and upload it. If it works, that person would immediately delete it, of course and send it back to you! If it doesn īt, then there īs no doubt that the problem is with your doc. and you will have to figure it out.
Have a nice day. |
26 Mar 2009
Thanks for your reply but how do I send a message to Victor???? The worksheet uploaded without the clipart. I have other worksheets with clipart that will not upload either so I don īt know how others are managing to put so many visuals on their documents and still getting them to upload. Very frustrating!!!!
26 Mar 2009
Exactly how heavy is your worksheet? |
26 Mar 2009