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Movies or films
Movies or films
Hello, I am trying to find a good movie/film to work on it with my students level B1, I would appreciate very much if you coul give some advice, in case you know any that worked well with your students. Thanks in advance. I am very happy to be one more of this community, thanks for sharing all this material and ideas. Thanks Victor for your project I find it of real help. |
26 Mar 2009
I have worked with Notting Hill (JUlia ROberts and Hugh Grant). Have you seen it? I even have a ws prepared in case you need it.
Another great movie to wor on that level is "Shall we dance?", starring Richard Gere and Jeniffer Lopez
Miss Yanis |
26 Mar 2009
I�ve used Click (Adam Sandler) with Can/ Can�t. I�ve used As Good as it Gets (Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt). I play the first 10 minutes of it. Then I ask students to get in pairs and write 5 questions regarding to this part. So students work in pairs making and answering the questions. They both worked very well.
26 Mar 2009
I tried "Dead Poets Society" and students liked it.
at the end of the page you find all the answer keys.
26 Mar 2009
Dead Poets Society is a marvelous film. I never did any activities with it, i just gave the DVD to some students to watch the film, and then i discussed it with them shortly after they would return the disc. But now thanks to lancillotta �s activities, i �m going to do it with a group of students. Thanks.
26 Mar 2009
I love working on the "shining". The language is quite easy and there �s a great theme you can study afterwards: the Indians and the way they were treated by white men. |
26 Mar 2009
Dear collegue: try with Freedom Writers it is great and there are so many aspects to work with. |
26 Mar 2009
Dear Miss Francisca! I �ve found series and sitcoms work wonderfully with that level. I have some worksheets on Friends, The IT Crowd, Prison Break and I have also found many wonderful activities in this site. Good luck! Cyn
26 Mar 2009