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Chinese whisper

Chinese whisper
Hello friends!
I would like to ask you about "Chinese whisper". Have you ever used it with your students? How do you play it?Is it just for sentences or is it possible to play it with words? If not, could you please tell me any game you have used to practising with words.
Thank you very much!
Have a good night! |
26 Mar 2009

Thanks a lot. Very useful |
26 Mar 2009

I use this game to play with words with very young learners in this way:
Make two groups of children and form 2 rows at the back of the classroom.Draw the vocabulary that you want to revise or use flashcards... then the teacher tell a word to a member of every team and the goal of the game is to whisper the word correctly till the first member of a team who is near the blackboard listen the word and run to point to the word or to pick it up.
The team that get the word first win a point.The first member pass to the bottom of his row.
I hope you like the game ,I think It�s useful.My pupils love it. |
26 Mar 2009

Thank you very much for your explanation, I have done it with sentences and didnt know if it works with words.
Thanks! |
27 Mar 2009

Hi rosammd, I use this game but modify it a bit. Only players with odd numbers can whisper, while others with even numbers can only mime it. The last player of course writes the words/sentence on the board. Then the last player becomes number one, previous number one becomes number 2, etc, so everyone has his/her turn.
27 Mar 2009

I use this slightly differently. I have a number of teams, each equal in number (approximately 7 or 8 a team) and then have them sit on the floor in a long row. It is important to have them sitting because if they stand they cheat and just bunch together to get the information. Then give the person at the back a poem or sentence. Not one that they can memorise in one go such as:
She sell sea shells on the sea shore. The sea shells that she sells are Irish sea shore shells.
The back person tells the next in line the first two or three words "She sells sea shells" and then they have to pass this down the line to the front person who writes it down on a piece of paper.
They continue doing this, passing the poem or sentences down in small pieces and the team that can write the message correctly at the end wins.
In this way every one is active most of the time as the passing of the message is in pieces and does not require anyone to memorise large chunks.
It does work, I have used it many times in classes of over 60 kids.
27 Mar 2009

This is a great game! �Where I �m from it �s known as "telephone" and adults often use it to make kids understand why they shouldn �t believe rumors. |
27 Mar 2009

Thank you very much puspita, logos and ameliarator because of your message about chinese whisper. Your explanations are very useful, and we often call it "telephone" in Spain.
Thanks a lot |
27 Mar 2009