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Like doing/Like to do


Like doing/Like to do
Hello to everyone! I �d like to pick your brain on a grammar issue I came across yesterday: whenever my students say or write "I like to do this" I always correct them and say "I like doing this" as in school I was taught that verbs "like", "hate" ,"prefer" and so on needed the gerund -ing.
Well, yesterday one of my students told me that his teacher at school said that it is now perfectly acceptable to say "I like to do/ I hate to go" and so on. She claims that both are correct. What do you think? This thing is bugging me, I don �t want to tell the kid that his teacher is wrong but at the same time I �d like to know if what she says is true. Thanks 

27 Mar 2009      


Hi genzianella!
I like the topic you have brought to the message board:)
These are the verbs that are used both taking gerund and infinitive the meaning slightly changes.
I like to do something you emphasis the doer. I like to sing.
I like singing- you emphasis the activity singing.

27 Mar 2009     


Sorry but -  I like to do my homework right after school.  is perfect.
                   I hate to have to wait at the doctor �s office.  is also ok
You are talking about stative verbs. 
You �ve mixed up the rule.  Stative verbs usually DON �T take  "ing"
I see you now.   ( I didn �t see you before (maybe in a crowd)  but now I do)
I am seeing him now.  ( I am dating him)

27 Mar 2009     


sorry eng789, I don �t see what you mean. I �m talking about verbs that express like/dislike such as:
Tom likes fishing
Anna hates doing the washing-up
My cat loves purring
It �s ok that stative verbs don �t take the -ing form but that means that you cannot say "I �m liking pizza" or "She �s hating her job". I think YOU mixed up the rule! Embarrassed   

27 Mar 2009     

Greek Professor

Hi genzianella

Firstly both like + infinitive (like to get) and like + -ing (like getting) are possible. In most cases there is no significant difference in meaning.

In British English, there is sometimes a difference between "I like doing" and "I like to do" :
I like doing something means that generally I enjoy it.
I like to do something can mean it is a regular habit or I think it is good or right to do it.
I like living here (I enjoy living here generally)
Mary likes peoples to be on time (she thinks it is a good idea for them to be on time).

I like swimming. (In general)
I like to swim in the mornings (regular).

Note: The difference between the two are very slight.
As a non-native speaker I would not worry too much
 about the difference. Just learn that both are possible.
Greek Professor...

27 Mar 2009     


like to do- this is good or right to do so     ex. I like to go to the dentist twice a year (this mean that you find it good for you)

like doing - you enjoy sth, general reference  ex I like swimming.

27 Mar 2009     


If it is an activity you are doing at the moment : I like doing this.
                                   But you could also say    : I like to do this on sunny days.
I like to do this - meaning right now- I �ve heard it, but I wouldn �t say it. Perhaps it is in common use somewhere.
I hate to have to wait at the doctor �s office.  is also ok
I hate having to wait ....(which is what I would say) flows more easily from the tongue though, which counts for a lot in common usage.

27 Mar 2009     


Hey grazianella...
I know this topic is sooooo annoyeing!
So, if you want i �ll just send you a page where i actually explain this!
what do you think?

27 Mar 2009     


Apodo  I think you are wrong. 

hate to
- hate what one is about to do.  

hate ing- fell sorry for what one is doing.

27 Mar 2009     



27 Mar 2009     



27 Mar 2009     

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