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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Need some chant/song/rhyme/game for learning different countries or cities and nationalities, also for school subjects/class materials
Need some chant/song/rhyme/game for learning different countries or cities and nationalities, also for school subjects/class materials

Little Miss Lady
Need some chant/song/rhyme/game for learning different countries or cities and nationalities, also for school subjects/class materials
Hi everyone! I need all of ur help for sme ideas. Well to begin with Ive got to say that I am preparing my state exams and developing the didactic units, so right now Ive run out of ideas. One of my themes is based on class subjects and places in a school. Do any of you know some chant/song/rhyme or even a fun game to do related to that unit? I also have the same problem with the unit of different countires and nationalities. Is there any song in which Ss practice vocab like: �I come from (China), I am (Chinese)....even a game, a cool activity or smth.
Lastly Ive got to say that someone recommended a wonderful site for revising spelling and vocab:
My question is, are there any other similar websites to practise with children??
Thanks for all, u guys are all fab, and ur ideas too!! :) |
27 Mar 2009

a isabel
Try the link below. Hope it �s useful!
27 Mar 2009

a isabel
Hi the link gives access to a world �s map presented by Mickey Mouse the video is called:#The Nations of the World"
I noticed the link I gave doesn �t open but if you copy it and paste in the address bar at the top, it works.
I hope your pupils and you like it. I don �t teach c hildren so I have never used in my classes, but I would like people tried and let me know how it went...
27 Mar 2009

Hi Seema.
Try this for school subjects:
Hope it helps. |
28 Mar 2009