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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > Site for teaching ESL with songs
Site for teaching ESL with songs
Maria Isabel
Site for teaching ESL with songs
Does anybody know a site where I can find a variety of worksheets or exercises to learn English through songs? I�d really appreciate if you could help me.
Thanks in advance
Maria Isabel |
8 Oct 2008
Hi, you can try using alsong for your classes. It�s a music player, just like winamp, but designed for language learning.
8 Oct 2008
Maria Isabel
Thank you all for your answers and sites. I found them very useful...and if you let me, I�d like to express how grateful and excited I am for being able to find such good ESL teachers, who are always there, no matter what. Thanks for all of this, Victor. |
9 Oct 2008
I can�t believe no ones mentioned it. �How about right here. �There are song lyric excersies posted daily. �Of course you have to find one that you have, but there�s hundreds of them. :) |
9 Oct 2008