I wonder
I think we all have a load of worksheets we have downloaded from this page. My question is- do you have a system for them? How do you find a right worksheet amongst all the others? I daily download the best worksheets and I have no idea how to organize them in the best possible way. I cannot stop downloading the recent contributions :P |
28 Mar 2009
I name them as past simple1-2-3-4-....... |
28 Mar 2009
I do it according to levels and then - grammar - reading comp. - tests - etc |
28 Mar 2009
28 Mar 2009
Thank you. I see you use the good old folders system. I thought that may-be some of you use some kind of internet environment. I don �t know much about them but I picture it as a place to upload these worksheets and then, if I need something, I search by the topic. Like this website but very simple and just for me.� |
28 Mar 2009
I understand what you mean :) Too bad I have only one English group �and all these brilliant worksheets and webpages :P I am a primary school teacher and I also teach Maths to secondary school. I even told to our head master that this is the last year I teach Maths. In the future I want to concentrate teaching English. All because of this site. |
28 Mar 2009
I have noting in my pc!! USB is the solution!
and I have it always with me. this is good for private teachers too... who teach in students � homes.... |
28 Mar 2009
I follow a similar system to ladybird for organising my materials but even then finding things becomes difficult sometimes so it needs further fine tuning inot levels etc. I also backup my materials onto and extra external drive or USB. Another solution is to upload your your materials onto Mediafire or a similar files hosting system which are free services. This allows you to access them from anywhere with an Internet connection and also you have the opportunity to provide others access to your materials if you so wished. |
28 Mar 2009
On macintosh computers there is a function called "finder" which is like a search engine for the files and documents in your computer. �I don �t know if PCs have something like this or not, but for me it is a huge help in finding my documents! |
28 Mar 2009
I have a PC and macintosh both. I �m still getting used to the MAC. Thanks a lot Ameliarator. I don �t know why I haven �t used the finder before LOL
And thanks a lot to you, aftab. I will try this Mediafire. |
28 Mar 2009