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Don īt forget....
Mar (itxasobcn)
Don īt forget....
At 2 o īclock a.m. we īll have to change our alarm clocks, dvd players, watches, etc. to 3 o īclock which means we īre going to lose one hour sleep!!!!!
On the other hand, at least here in Spain, it īll get dark at 8 o īclock p.m. instead of 7 o īclock which is not bad
28 Mar 2009
Oh, my dear Mar, We have already suffered that change. Thanks God, we went back to the real time again. |
29 Mar 2009
My dear Mar,
I don īt mean to make fun of you, but we still have one week before changing our time.
but, next weekend
We won īt have another choice.
I don īt like daylight saving time!!
I get up at 5:00 a.m., that means it will be 4:00. |
29 Mar 2009
Wot īs all this about changing time. Here in Malaysia we don īt mess about with such trifling things, the time is the same all year round, the weather īs the same all year round, the traffic īs the same all year round. Pretty much the same all year round s īpose. |
29 Mar 2009
manonski (f)
Logos, I would not go as far as trifling. There were actually good reasons to start that. I suggest you check this website:
29 Mar 2009
alien boy
Logos - hahahaha! It īs the same here in Japan (except for the weather bit!)
29 Mar 2009
Logos, that was good! I wish I lived in Malaysia...
29 Mar 2009