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April Fools ´ Day

April Fools ´ Day
It is soon April Fools ´ Day.I would like to surprise my 3rd grade students and I ´m looking for some inspiration. I have one small and simple thought for Wednesday. I will change the furniture in my classroom so that the ss face the back wall. I put a huge white paper on the wall where we can write and draw as we cannot use the board in front of the classroom. It isn ´t anything extra special, but I hope it causes a bit excitement. What are you going to do on the 1st of April? Have you done something extra interesting in past? |
29 Mar 2009

happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
29 Mar 2009

Lucky students Piretraig!!!! ur ideas r sooooooo creative and thrilling... keep it up |
29 Mar 2009

Hello piretraig!
I have made up three activities related to April Fool ´s day. Take a look at my page, maybe you like some of them. The one on jokes is quite good.
Best regards, Avidrox
29 Mar 2009