A question for Victor
Hi Victor and everybody. User Ali m has uploaded/stolen a Vanda51�s printable. But Ali m only had 1 point in his/her account. How could he/she get a printable from another user without having the 30 necessary points to download printables?. I am puzzled. And he/she has obtained 154 points so far from Vanda51�s printable... |
29 Mar 2009
If you have one point, you can download one printable and loose that point. I guess s/he just had to choose the most appealing/interesting printable possible and then put it back as his/hers. If you have 30 points or more, it means means you can download 30 printables for free (without loosing points) from recent uploads. |
29 Mar 2009
You are right! I didn�t realized that! But still there is something really strange... He/she has no previous printables on his/her own to obtain points from, have a look at her account!. The one he/she has stolen today is the first contribution he/she makes. How can he/she have a point if he/she hadn�t uploaded any printables before?. And he/she will not be able to use the points from Vanda51�s printable until tomorrow. So... where did that point come from?. |
29 Mar 2009
She / He may have two accounts and just created this new one "ALI" to upload a stolen worksheet and gain poinst... |
29 Mar 2009
But he has 1 point in an account without printables. In an account empty of printables. That is really strange. I understand that he can create 2 accounts and use the printables he downloads from account A to upload them in account B. Yes, you are completely right in that. But what does not make sense at all is that a user can have points in an account which has no printables at all yet because if you haven�t uploaded anything yet there is no way for you to receive points in that account. Or am I missing something? |
29 Mar 2009
the system has some fails about pontuation...and during the day sometimes some points (not all of them that u earn during the day) go to the account before midnight comes...and sometimes u gain 1 or 3 points even if u do not post anything it is a fail of the system.. and when midnight comes these points are with the others and will be in her/his account..at least if VICTOR SEES all the complainings and he deletes and bans this user...in time...if not the user will have all the points..THAT he/she earn and inclusive he/she will have the chance to download 30 FREE ws per day...that is a fact..that happen so it is not strange.. it is a fail of the system only in update the points before midnight comes..
29 Mar 2009
I didn�t know the system had fails about punctuation. That must be the reason for such a misterious thing. It is the only way to explain that somebody with no printables in his account yet can already have points in that very account without having uploaded no printables at all to obtain those points from. I also hope that Victor fixes the system before he uses tomorrow the points he is getting today from Vanda51�s printable... |
29 Mar 2009
Hi there,
I think there isn �t any system failure but this �teacher? has taken the printables from Vanda �s blog and he has uploaded here to earn points and download materials. Don �t panic!! I hope Victor delete this account first although I �m sure this user will create another account since he has no professional ethics. A good purpose like sharing can be used by this kind of people to do a bad use of it. It �s a pity!!
Night, night!!
29 Mar 2009
aum... yes, it �s really strange, i would like to know what happened really
30 Mar 2009
Hi inma, it must be a system failure because the printable he has stolen from Vanda51 today will not give him points until tomorrow. And this printable is the only one he has in that account. But he already had 1 point before stealing Vanda51�s. So, if it weren�t a system failure, where has this single point come from?. |
30 Mar 2009
Let �s ask Ali... to solve this doubt LOL!
30 Mar 2009