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Concerning worksheets > My last printable had four pages, what happened to the last two?
My last printable had four pages, what happened to the last two?
My last printable had four pages, what happened to the last two?
I downloaded a document which had four pages to the lesson. The preview only shows 2, what happened to the last two? The lesson was about coral reefs. |
9 Oct 2008
The pages just don�t show in the preview, but they are there, when you download it. I think that might have to do with the fact, that page 3 (in my downloaded version) has a different format than the other three pages. You might want to mention this in the description of your worksheet.
9 Oct 2008
Mietz, Thanks for clearing this up for me. You could be right. �Yes, page three has a landscape format while the other pages are portrait, to make more room for drawing. I will edit my description. Thanks again. |
9 Oct 2008