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Teaching material > Why don īt we write the owner īs name in the printable?
Why don īt we write the owner īs name in the printable?
Why don īt we write the owner īs name in the printable?
Hellow everybody!!!
Thanks to Victor and all the friends that make this wonderful site possible. I īve just finished correcting a lot of exams, I īm really tired but before going to bed I would like to say something about our work. I don īt know if you feel the same but when I use your valuable printables with my students there īs something missing, Why don īt we put the owner īs name in the printable? I usually tell my students: "This is a partner īs worksheet, I hope you like it" I think it is better to write the name. What do you think? It can be written in very small letters on the right or left hand side.
Do you like the idea?
Some partners do it, but not all of them and it is sometimes difficult to remember all the names in order to do it ourselves.
Well, I īm going to bed I īm exhausted.
Gooooood night!!!!!!!!!
1 Apr 2009
Baby V
Dear yogiba,
Why don īt you write the names when you download the WS. I think it īs really useful. I always write their names beside the titles, so I can go back to the printable whenever I want.
I hope it can help you! |
1 Apr 2009
You could always put a footnote in your printable as a footer and include the date so that when someone prints it they know who produced it and others who use it knows who has produced it.
1 Apr 2009