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Ask for help > visual aids for speeches
visual aids for speeches
visual aids for speeches
Hello everyone
First, I want to thank you for all your wonderful contributions that make my work easier and my classes more interesting each day , also thank you all for your kind and motivating comments on my worksheets, they encourage me to keep on working and trying to improve myself day after day.
Second, I need your help. We know that using visual aids is a good way to make speeches more clear, effective and memorable. In my case, I ask my sixth grade students to use visual aid (charts, posters, etc) in every presentation, they make them in class and they work very well. They have made charts, posters, big books to show in class. My question u have more ideas about other kinds of visual aids they can make in class??
Thanks in advance.
Have a wonderful weekend!!! |
4 Apr 2009
Marla D.
Hi, If your students have access to the computer, powerpoints are wonderful for presentations. If you have white board technology, the students can do so much with that as well. You didn�t say what types of of projects they are working on. A wall of flags representing the students� countries is nice. I don�t know the age of your students. If they are young, they can color these. Have a good weekend.
4 Apr 2009