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Stolen items, reporting & posting...
alien boy
Stolen items, reporting & posting...
Now here was me thinking that Victor had even requested just to report
the items, maybe leave a comment on the download page & not to
worry about posting things in the forum....
(only 4 discussion threads on this page alone... at the moment)
8 Apr 2009
Victor has passed his verdict.
No more complaining about stolen wss on the forum.
8 Apr 2009
Ah, AB.. you �re right. But then again.. Victor also have this forum for us to �nag � about stolen items... And I �m pretty sure it �s been used appropriately.. What a better way to �attract � people �s attention.. as 12 hours is the limit to �legalize � a contribution..
8 Apr 2009
alien boy
Yes, but he also said (much later on) that we don�t need to post, just report, maybe comment & leave it at that.
If I weren�t tired I �d link the discussion for you.
As I said, his comments are more recent than the addition of the �stolen� discussions header, so I believe it is actually the correct approach to take.
If anyone is looking at worksheets they can report it. I am sure Victor still gets his own report about the �stolen reports�. The new method is just that, new! So I don �t think we should continue bleating about what we have found. Just comment the download so that others who look will also see that it �s been reported & go from there.
I hate to think how I �d feel if someone reported one of my pieces of work as stolen & then spruiked it in the forum when the member who shouted �STOLEN � to the world was actually wrong? DOn�t get me wrong, I�m not accusing you of doing this BUT it has been known to happen....
Oh my, I miss those good ol� days in Salem!
BTW, it�s only those members with 1000+ points who get to be the �hanging judges� (unless things have changed since the last time I read Victor�s post)
8 Apr 2009
You are right. We should stop reporting stolen worksheets in the forum. We must use the reporting form that we find in the printables pages.
The users with over 1000 points have a page where they can see all reported worksheets and vote if they should be removed or not.
The "stolen contributions" category is still in the forum because I forgot to remove it . I �ll do soon.
Greetings, |
8 Apr 2009
OK, AB.. calm down. I hear you. I �m also familiar with that incidents.
Sorry for being stubborn.. but Victor recently also said that:
... Users with more than 1000 points can review reported contributions and vote if they should be removed or not.
12 hours after, If most users
agreed, the contribution will be removed, and the user will lose the
points that he/she got with that contribution. ... ... The contributions will be removed if, after 12 hours, there are more votes saying that it should be removed. (as a reply: page 2)Normally, I �d just report it to Victor. But with this new condition, I happen to agree with Tisha that sometimes it is necessary to make other members aware of the situation.
( Hope you can see it from my angle..
8 Apr 2009
People! I really think that you should respect Victor�s decision - as it�s HIS site and we MUST play by his RULES, not ours!!!
We do NOT need to be made aware of stolen printables! Since all we need to do is click on the nice little link at the top of the page!
So as they say in Spanish "Basta ya!" ... or in English, "Stop it now... please..." - Many of us are really tired of seeing this stuff on the main forum. The board is supposed to be used for nice stuff, educational stuff and not "stolen" stuff...
8 Apr 2009
OK, Victor; I hear you. There will be no more nagging about stolen worksheets in the forum (at least from me.. hopefully).
Best regards, pus
(edited) Yes, Zora. It ends here.
8 Apr 2009
There �s no need to post the links... for if you access the link up on the top of the forum, it takes you to a page with all the reported stuff and you can have a look at them there... In fact, I go there first to check what �s been taken or scanned before I check out the new stuff that �s up. It �s the best way...
8 Apr 2009
Dear Silke,
No problem. I thought you had seen it already.
Anyways, have a great Easter and I envy you - the Netherlands sound so beautiful. I want to go there one year!
8 Apr 2009
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