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Grammar and Linguistics > In which case ?
In which case ?
In which case ?
I learnt then I teach my students that in Conditional sentence type 2, the verb "to be" has only one form "were". But I �ve read a guide book for the graduation exam and saw that "was" was also used. Is that right and if so, in which case do we you "was" instead of "were" ?
Thanks in advance |
9 Apr 2009
Dear Jasmine,
Here is something that you can read as a reference:
"if I was you" is most definitely NOT acceptable from a strictly grammatical
point of view. It may be commonly used in colloquial English but in written English,
it is a mark of poor grammar.
On the American SATII Writing test (which will become part of the SAT I next year),
"if I was you" would cost you dear points! The College Entrance Exam Board is extremely
picky about this particular grammatical concept.
Have fun!
9 Apr 2009
Note that after I / he/ she /it we often use the subjunctive form �were � and not �was �. (Some people think that �were � is the only �correct � form but other people think �was � is equally �correct � .) |
9 Apr 2009
The rule has to do with the possibility of what you are saying coming true.
You never say "if I was you". You say "if I were you", because I could never actually BE you.
You could say, "if I was rich," because it is possible that you could be rich (even if it isn �t likely).
9 Apr 2009
I will write the examples that helped me with it.
If I were a president I would...... - you are a normal citizien and it is impossible
If i was a a president I would..... - that could say Obama before he was elected. It is possible that you can be a president
10 Apr 2009
English Club has an excellent reference regarding this Thetable appears below and there is additioanl info available at the link:
(The were form is correct at all times.) |
(The was form is possible in informal, familiar conversation.) |
If I were younger, I would go. |
If I was younger, I would go. |
If he weren´t so mean, he would buy one for me. |
If he wasn´t so mean, he would buy one for me. |
I wish I weren´t so slow! |
I wish I wasn´t so slow! |
I wish it were longer. |
I wish it was longer. |
It´s not as if I were ugly. |
It´s not as if I was ugly. |
She acts as if she were Queen. |
She acts as if she was Queen. |
If I were you, I should tell her. |
Note: We do not normally say "if I was you", even in familiar conversation. | |
11 Apr 2009
Thank you all of your answers. I see what I should tell my students now |
11 Apr 2009