I �m sorry, but here �s me with another link, so i don �t have to repeat what �s been said and repeated and said and repeated over and over and over again.
I would also like to ask a few Qs though:
1 Has constant reporting on the forum changed anything?
2 Have comments saying a ws was stolen stopped (more than a few) members from downloading?
3 Do you not think that reporting about it just gives an idea to new (unscrupulous) members of how to get points in an easier way?
4 Have we not had enough of �whining � (because that �s what it
sounds like) on the message board?
5 Shall i nitpick and say that it
is stealing if you take a picture from a course book, a picture that has the author �s name on the back cover?
6 Shall we report members whose (bad) command of the English language in the forum does not match the (good) language used in her/his ws?
7 Is it not high time people stopped complaining? Including me!
8 Oh, and does anyone ask the �thief� why he/she did it in a PM?
To make it clear, i�m NOT on the thieves side. I�m NOT. I KNOW that a lot of hard work is put into creating a decent multi-points ws. What i MIND is constant reporting. It�s like a battle zone:
the hard working members V an invisible enemy.
Brandishing with the verbal swords has not yet resulted in the fatal blow. Just in getting sympathy from those who have already been there. And that�s all.
I�m on YOUR side. Although i have (
quote) "an impolite and rude" way of showing it.