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However it takes so much more time to look for resources for students with other sites. Often time I don �t have, as I still need to cater for my other students, including a down syndrome child and a dyslexic child. This has been a great site to cater for all my students.
13 Apr 2009
This topic is bound to generate a lot of different opinions on both sides of the proposition. As has been pointed out by Naranjas this site belongs to one person who has expressed his rules on content and materials that are acceptable to the site.
I think the comments about one teacher �s picture is another teacher �s teaching resource is a valid one, but I would suggest that the majority of pictures, with or without comments or headings are in fact taken from other source material. There are very very few contributors who actually draw and scan in their own illustrations.
I therefore feel that if a poster or illustration has caught the eye of a member and they wish to share it with the community they should share it as a bookmark and write a comment on the forum to that fact - not just copy the picture and present it as a worksheet.
If, indeed we have contributors who are extremely talented and can produce original pictures, this should be stated in the description of the picture as a declaration that the illustration is genuine and cannot be found on any other website or publication. In this case their work can genuinely be shared via this site.
This site has grown incredibly since its inception, and there must be a limit as to how much it can hold, so I suppose one of the main reasons for the reduction in contributions has to be simply space.
13 Apr 2009
I totally agree with Logos : it �s very easy to find images, cliparts, borders... on the net today, anybody can do it, there �s no real work needed, while many of us spend hours creating worksheets which are much more than a few images. I admit I mostly download worksheets with images in them, but because they illutrate some idea and make the worksheet more attractive for students. But when I �m looking for images for my worksheets, I use Google and generally find what I need easily. There are such great worksheets on this site, I think it �s ridiculous to see them next to a collection of borders or colouring pages! The website seems to have crashed last Friday, it �s probably saturated.
13 Apr 2009
Ladybird, Ivona, Hazza, JulietaVL, Naranjas, mjotab, source, roneydirt, Logos, Missbrittany
Thank you all for sharing ur thoughts and views.
Its clearly that we all have different perspectives I respect all of ur opinion and those who expressed their ideas without hurting other members. It is important to mention that its not my intention to encourage poor materials to be promoted it is a discussion of who should judge whether this is a proper ESL or non ESL material!!
I think I will not share any materials anymore unless it was a worksheet! I will send these materials directly to the members who wish to receive them on their emails as I�ve always did with some of my popular worksheets.
I don�t have the right to interfere with Victor�s rules, he is free to include the rules he wishes to keep because he is the creator of the website but I also feel that I have the right to express my opinion freely.
a member sent me a rude message calling my materials rubbish but I really don�t care i
as I don�t think anyone here have the right to judge peoples work she could have said it needs improvement but she used the �rubbish� word which I felt it was offensive. Some of the materials I�ve upload because I feel it was useful for my learners therefore others might find it useful too, but sometimes things don�t work this way. I can�t predict which material will be popular and will be downloaded 100 times unless I share it then I do the amendments based on the feedback I receive . I am welling to delete every material which has not been downloaded as long as we don�t overload the website with unnecessary work.
i think this issue will go on and on, but after all lets not forget that the purpose of this website is sharing and giving constructive feedback unlike other websites which allow you to take without giving or make suggestions.
13 Apr 2009
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