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Message board > Why Do People Take Up Message Board Saying Hello, Goodnight, and Goodmorning?
Why Do People Take Up Message Board Saying Hello, Goodnight, and Goodmorning?
sweet dreams
I hope I got these right.
13 Apr 2009
Mar (itxasobcn)
I fully agree with eng789 and linlin too, Ana Isabel.
Miss ESL of Illinois, are you going to tell us what we can or can �t do in this website?
If you don �t like these kind of messages just DON �T READ THEM.
We �re not only teachers but people as well and some of us like sharing not only our work but some kindness and friendship.
That doesn �t mean we aren �t contributing to this website with our work, maybe more than you, so why don �t you concentrate in contributing more and stop complaining?
By the way, I still wish you a nice week!!!!
13 Apr 2009
How about some Greek? Kalinihta!!! (kalinichta) = Good night!
or maybe some Afrikaans.. Goeie Nag ! |
13 Apr 2009
Hey alex, does the ch sounds like KI or like german?
13 Apr 2009
Greek Kali nichta ... like Dutch or German "ch" as in Nacht...
13 Apr 2009
How do you pronounce this? Could you write a transcription, please? :))) |
13 Apr 2009
Actually, in Ukrainian "Good night" sounds "Na dobranich" or just "Dobranich" :)))
Frankly speaking, I agree with Mar that greetings add friendliness to the site and don �t turn teachers off. Moreover, here it feels like a big family, which I highly appreciate. Thank you so much for everything you do, guys! That �s the most fantastic and inspirational ESL sight I have ever visited and I can �t help visiting it every day :))) |
13 Apr 2009
Caroline- these nasty words do not have to have a thick skin. I download many of my worksheets, and I do make comments to thank the person who does the hard work at making them.
I simply asked a question that seemed logical- it saying hello or goodnight condusive to learning ESL.., and from the emails that I have been getting, many have the same question, and were too afraid to ask- due to the fact that people will attack them - as they are doing here...
Simply put, there are always going to be people who are disrespectful, agree to disagree with you no matter what, and try to bully each other, but just like you, me, and the 10 others that have sent me messages, keep doing great worksheets, and being a responsible adult.
The others who send negative or act childish, what goes around will come around.!
(Notice I am not saying Goodnight!) |
14 Apr 2009
Ladybird- you are exactly who people have been complaining about... You seem to always be adding negativity to all comments on worksheets- for example the inuendo you just made. I contribute plenty. If you do not like the comments- don�t add your own. You don´t like my contributions, don´t down load them...
Enough said on this topic. |
14 Apr 2009
This is the first time that you were specifically mentioned. If you look on EVERY reported "stolen" worksheet, you are there making comments. Please find something better to do, be polite and comment on good work, instead of being the ESL police. |
14 Apr 2009
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