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Tips for memorization
Tips for memorization
Memorization plays an important role in learning any language. It �s no good for language learners to learn by heart vocabulary as well as grammar. The more effective way to improve that is using tips to memorize. This obviosuly helps the learners not only easily remember new things but also have long-term memorization. For example, instead of learning by heart the two words "million" and "billion", learners can try this: We have only one difference between those two words, which are "m" and "b". Here, we think of "m" as "small" and "b" as "big". Accordingly, we can easily memorize the two words without confusion. |
18 Apr 2009
Did anyone tell you, that you look like Michael Jackson?
I agree with you. I always give my students tips to help them remember things.
For example think of pie when you spell piece or to get her for together.
I think it would be great to add these tips here so we can share them.
18 Apr 2009
Dear Ihai71,
Memorization is an old story. It �s important to teach our sts. how to learn and memorize sth. the easiest way. There are many techniques like associating concepts with visual images( for example, they may remember the name "Robert Green" by picturing Robert playing golf (on the green), wearing green clothes, or covered in green paint), ,recite the information aloud, visualize yourself teaching the material, thinking and being active in what u learn, and many others.
All mentioned is true, but first and most important, you must make sure that you understand new material before trying to remember it. A good technique to ensure understanding is to recite or write the author �s ideas in your own words. If you cannot, then you do not understand them. The conclusion: you cannot remember what you do not understand. In other words, you cannot form a clear and correct memory trace from a fuzzy, poorly understood concept.
Thanks a lot for bringing this up in the forum.
Have a nice weekend,
Nebal |
18 Apr 2009