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Teaching material > Audio for English File 1 (cassette 3)
Audio for English File 1 (cassette 3)
Audio for English File 1 (cassette 3)
Hi everybody I used to have the cassettes for that book. I lost cassette 3 and every time I want to do a listening activity from that book, it �s in the cassette I dont have... Anyway, I �d like to have the audio in a CD since it �s getting harder and harder to find a cassette player nowadays!!
So, my question is: Does anybody have them? Can you send them to me? Or do you know where I can get them??
Thanks a lot! My stds used to find the listenings from that book both interesting and funny.
26 Apr 2009
Hi, Have you tried with emule? I found the upper-intermediate English File cds there.
26 Apr 2009
Thank you for your quick answers!
26 Apr 2009