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To all moderators... and members who report things.
For the comments about reporting what someone says is a poor worksheet why not give the individuals some help on making a secondary worksheet with suggestions on how to make it better. And yes remember there are worksheets from very young children which need very little to adults which need more speciality items.
Scan worksheets that are reported should have links to prove they belong to someone else once again why I am hesitant about uploading my scan sheets since I cut and paste. My worksheets for my disable are very simple compared to the advance class on the same subject area being taught. You look in textbooks they are done the same way.
Why the statement keeps popping up what is and what is not ESL material... Because it depends on the subject, age, mental states, English level, regions and type of students one is working with. |
27 Apr 2009
sea camel
Hi guys
To me it is actually rather simple. Victor says in his �What �s this � on top of his page: "You are only allowed to send your own documents. If you send a copy taken from another website or scanned from a book, you will lose your account." I �m not writing about losing your account. I �ll focus on the fact whether one should report or not.
To me you can upload any document that can be used in English class. It would be absolutely great if it would be in English too otherwise there �s no real point in sharing. If it �s not fully in English then it should be clearly written next to the printable �s preview. You simply don �t pull someone �s leg on a serious site like this. I think we should be VERY clear in explaining our uploaded worksheet.
So you can upload any ESL document that is not entirely scanned (as you can use a scanned picture,...) or taken from the net. It doesn �t even say �worksheet �!!! (It does, however, a few lines higher up. And this could be discussed but that �s not the point I want to make. It also says �document �...) You do not cheat your fellow English teachers. And that �s it. You do not copy/paste from the net or scan an entire document because that �s cheating, isn �t it? You behave. You don �t point your finger at someone else �s work. You have no right to judge that. But you can report scanned or copy/paste documents. They should be removed. No work has gone into it and you pretend you�ve made that yourself while you haven �t. Here again you have to be very clear. Show that you know why it should be removed ( a link, the pages of a book,...). This is a database for HOMEMADE ESL documents. It �s a bit like a homemade meal : you can use fresh products (own words, sentences,...) or you can use some ready-made ingredients ( royalty free clipart, scanned picture, ...( mostly with reference). The result stays a homemade meal!!! (Dear me,... I �m not even a good cook )
And, come on, people, be honest and fair. We all have been beginners and we still learn new things every day. We don �t judge. We appreciate honesty, creativity and new ideas, don �t we?
27 Apr 2009
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