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Concerning worksheets > About reporting Flashcards..
About reporting Flashcards..
About reporting Flashcards..
If you teachers don �t know how to use a worksheet maybe it �s your problem. It �s not an obligation to give the explanations we only have to give a description. I don �t use worksheets in the same way because students are very different. This in particular should be in a set of FC and we may use it to theach imperatives. But, as it is isolated it should be removed, even though it �s useful for me.
Another thing, should a set of flashcards be uploaded in just one file??? Where it is said that?? I find it really hard to upload flashcards in just one page...I don �t have money to buy a minimizer and there are some that are free but not really useful. I �ve read that one user has uploaded a set of thirty-something flashcards in one file...I �m sorry but I �m afraid I can �t do that... It may be possible if some of you could give me the recipe....
So the question is...can we only upload a set of flashcards in one file?? Because some of you consider that different files are different sets.... Please, think about it...
28 Apr 2009
Hi Mishuna, I have the same question as you... but my opinion is this:
I do not think that a single flash-card is really fair to upload... why? because it ocuppies space, if I have a pretty flashcard of "spring" for example, why don �t I upload in the same file the other seasons "autum" "summer" "winter", I think that would be the most fair way to do it, isolated sheets I think are not fair... Some members upload the flash-cards in a separated way, or sometimes they only uplod "sprign" (for example) and you look into his/her accont to find the other seasons �s flash-cards and there aren �t the other seasons...
That is my opinion, and that is how I would do it...
To reduce the size of the images I do it in Microsoft Pciture Managr, there it comes the option to compress an image (for example, it reduces a image of 22 kb int 2 kb ) so, you can upload many images!!!
There are several good tutoriasl about this topic here in the site, I do not really remember which member made them... but search for them and I hope tey help you
I also read a comment of Mena yesterday inthe forum telling a new member that if she needs her help in how to reduce images size she would gladdy help her... Maybe if you send her a pm she will help..
Have a nice day!!
28 Apr 2009
I sent a port about this a few hours ago and had no answer. Here it �s my point:
lots of new members don �t know how to reduce the size of the FC in a single set so, the best to do is sending them a PM telling them what to do. But remember, a set of FC doesn �t mean all in one. Victor gave us examples in the reporting page, the single apple example: "This should be remove UNLESS it �s part of a set". So, please, stop reporting FC just because they are divided in diferent WSS. Sent the owner a PM but don �t propose to delete coz the rules say they are allowed.
Regards from M�laga, Spain :=) |
28 Apr 2009
One I read Victor said that flashcards athat are not uploaded in a sensitive set ( some of them in a same file) should be removed... for me a single flashcard onle takes space and althoug they are very good cards tha author should upload them together...
I agree, we should send them a pme for them to put them together in a file, telling them how to reduce size and if they do not take the advice... then...??
28 Apr 2009
Well, if Victor said so, the examples given should be changed so members won �t be confussed.
This should be removed unless it is part of a set of flashcards. |
28 Apr 2009