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Teaching material > Organizing the gems
Organizing the gems
Organizing the gems
Hi, everybody. It�s so nice to have joined this family, because you all help me grow to be more equipped teacher. The wed discovery is just like a treasure-box. I do enjoy it. Thank you all for sharing this with me. But, I have a problem of organising these websites. Right now, I just write down on a notebook, which I know sounds out-dated in this computer age. Would any computer genius in ths site advise me how to organisie it in a more systematical way? Thanks a lot. |
14 Oct 2008
Hey.....Bookmark the sites or add them to Favorites. It depends on what kind of browser you have. Bookmark is for Motzila and ADD to Favorites is for Explorer. When you want to enter the site , you just click on the link there!!
14 Oct 2008